
Sale Items

Our current selection of "Sale Items" is from our complete stock of stamps.

There are several hundred stamps available from a wide range of Australian and International Issues and include many scarce, special and rare items.

Press Here to be taken to a stamp search to browse for Sale Items.

To Browse all the items simply select the "Yes" next to Sale Items.

To select specific items utilize the other aspects of the Advanced Search feature, in conjunction with selecting the "Yes".

Note: a nil result means we do not have an item in that area at the moment but keep looking as additional items are added to our catalogues daily.


Sale Items are in limited quantity and may only be available for a short time unlike our general Australian Catalogue of Stamps, all of which appear on the site and are usually in stock - M.U.H., Mint and Used.


There is also a range of specials from our entire range available here which can be purchased online.

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